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Growing your small business with the help of self storage

Growing a small business can be tough. An SME relies heavily not only on cashflow but also on their operations running smoothly while continuing to achieve key business growth goals. This is why it is crucial to have a well-though-out business plan in place when you are starting your entrepreneurial journey.

At Stor-Age, we have walked alongside thousands of businesses during their journey of growth by providing them with flexible, convenient and safe self storage.

We recently spoke to the owner of Original Foods, Ravi Reddy, who is a customer of ours. Original Foods turned to Stor-Age when they needed a safe and convenient space to store their assortment of packaging and maintenance materials.

Original Foods

Ravi launched Original Foods to meet the demand from families who lead busy lifestyles and don’t have enough time to prepare wholesome meals. Ravi comments, ‘’The busy work life of individuals often takes away the opportunity of families having a substantial cooked meal.’’

Nearly all SMEs encounter challenges along the way and Ravi leant to overcome the obstacles as they were encountered. When we asked Ravi what was one of the biggest challenges he has had to overcome, he said it was maintaining supply of high quality products. To overcome this, he carefully sources and uses tried and tested suppliers so as to ensure consistency and quality.

For Ravi, it’s all about his customers. He continually asks them about their taste preferences to make sure that they continue to buy his products and that they tell their family and friends so as to attract new business. 

The benefits of business self storage

At Stor-Age, we understand how important convenience is which is why our stores across South Africa are located in prime positions with easy access.

Ravi commented that the two biggest benefits to his business of using a Stor-Age self storage facility is the convenience and the security, two key areas we continue to focus on as a company.

For us it’s also about flexibility. We understand that your space needs may change which is why our leases are flexible, allowing you to stay for as little as a month or as long as you need.

If you need a business self storage solution, call us on 0861 18 18 18 or get an instant online quote.

Posted by Stor-Age Self Storage - 26 April 2019 | SME