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Avoid bad habits while working from home

By now we have mostly adjusted to our working from home environment. It can however be easy to slip into bad habits, especially with a fridge so close to your new desk!

It’s important to get into a routine of adopting healthier habits during the day and in this blog post we offer a few suggestions.

working from home

Avoid bad habits while working from home

  • Cut the snack trips

With the kitchen most likely a few rooms away from your new office, it can be tempting to pop into the kitchen for a quick nibble. These trips will not only add some extra weight, but you’ll slow down your productivity with all the back and forth! If you do need to snack though, choose the healthier options and avoid the crisps.  

  • Do something productive

Outside of your work hours, use the extra time at home to do something productive around the house. This could mean a bit of DIY or decluttering certain areas of your home. Whatever it may be, this process can be therapeutic and a great way to use your time efficiently. The good news is that if you need extra space to store your unused items following a good clean up, we have the perfect solution with our safe and secure self storage.

  • Exercise

If you are struggling to find the time to fit in your daily exercise before or after work, why not fit it in during lunch? It’s a great way to reset after your morning workload and will give you an energy boost so that you can tackle the rest of the day. There are plenty of online training options which you’ll find from a quick Google search.

  • Reconnect

With so many of us adopting the likes of Zoom, House Party or other video chat platforms, there is a great opportunity to reconnect with friends and family who live in other parts of the world. Mostly they are free, so find one that suits you best and get connecting.

If you do spend time decluttering your home, give us a call on 0861 18 18 18 and we’ll help you store all the items for when you need them again.

Posted by Stor-Age Self Storage - 01 May 2020 | Tips And Hints