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These Dilbert Cartoons About Storage Space Are Spot On

Working in an office with no space? These Dilbert Comic strips tell you everything you need to know about storage space in an office environment.

Document storage

Dilbert document storage

Trash can storage

Dilbert trash can storage

New office storage

Dilbert new office storage

Large office storage

Large office storage

Have you had an experience of little to no storage space in a business environment? Tell us about it in the comments section.

If you are looking for business storage space then a Stor-Age store near you is the answer. Did you know we also have a Self Warehousing solution for larger storage requirements? Whether it’s slow moving stock items that you need to access only a few times a month or a short term storage solution for early stock arrivals, the benefits of self warehousing will ensure that you are able to access additional space whilst not over committing to long term leases. Self warehousing is a great tool in managing your businesses expenses as and when you require space and as your warehousing needs change on a month-to-month basis.

Posted by Stor-Age Self Storage - 21 July 2014 | Take A Break