Kilimanjaro Conquered for Charity
Congratulations to Marc, Steve and Francois for finally reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro!
They have managed to raise an amazing R16,360.00 for the Project Zambia charity and Stor-Age is going to match this! This takes the total donation to a staggering R32,720.00 and has exceeded all pre-trip expectations. Thank you to eveyone who gave to this great social project!
The funds raised will be utilised to install a well in the village of Malombe in Siome, as well as renovate the Sipuma Clinic. We are delighted that this has been achieved and we are sure the locals will be more than happy with their new additions.

A big thank you goes out to Marc, Steve and Francois for their efforts but they are not stopping there. The next trip on the agenda has been suggested as a hike in South East Asia!