Random Acts Of Kindness Day - Stor-Age Gives Away Muffins
Have you thought about what you are going to do this Friday for 'Random Acts of Kindness Day?' Stor-Age has been handing out free muffins to random people throughout the year, take a look at some of the photos here. Your random act may be giving away a muffin/cupcake, buying someone's groceries or petrol or taking part in the viral theme of giving 'free hugs.'

We can think of one great random act of kindness and that is for the New Zealanders to take a beating in the first T20 game against the Proteas in Wellington today. What is your random act of kindness?

We can think of one great random act of kindness and that is for the New Zealanders to take a beating in the first T20 game against the Proteas in Wellington today. What is your random act of kindness?
Posted by Stor-Age Self Storage - 17 February 2012 | Take A Break