The Ultimate Re-Gift A Stor-Age Scooter
You know you shouldn't but you do anyway. The re-gift. You know that birthday gift you got that you really don't want, when you asked for a Michael Jackson CD and got a Jackson Five compilation? Sure, everyone has received a set of bath salts from Cousin Fred and then wrapped it up and gifted it to niece Amy. In fact your self storage unit is probably full of potential re-gifts. Sometimes that is the only redeeming feature of a poorly chosen gift, the fact that it can be re-gifted. Well we spotted this advert on Gumtree of our Stor-Age scooter prize being, well... re-prized!
You may have seen not so long ago that Stor-Age gave away a scooter at the opening of Stor-Age Self Storage Table View. If you didn't you see how elated the winner was then the video is well worth checking out. However it seems our winner is not so keen on bikes, as posted in his Gumtree ad, "I won this scooter in a Stor age competition and am not a fan of bikes..." So we thought we would help out a little more and give him a hand in selling his prize. We have posted this story on all of our social media sites hoping to find a willing buyer for the brand new scooter.
If you know anyone or if you are that person looking for a brand, spanking new scooter, then please contact our previous winner via his Gumtree advert. And why not drop us an email to let us know where the scooter is going, we would love to keep in touch :)

You may have seen not so long ago that Stor-Age gave away a scooter at the opening of Stor-Age Self Storage Table View. If you didn't you see how elated the winner was then the video is well worth checking out. However it seems our winner is not so keen on bikes, as posted in his Gumtree ad, "I won this scooter in a Stor age competition and am not a fan of bikes..." So we thought we would help out a little more and give him a hand in selling his prize. We have posted this story on all of our social media sites hoping to find a willing buyer for the brand new scooter.

If you know anyone or if you are that person looking for a brand, spanking new scooter, then please contact our previous winner via his Gumtree advert. And why not drop us an email to let us know where the scooter is going, we would love to keep in touch :)
Posted by Stor-Age Self Storage - 21 June 2012 | Take A Break