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These Shoes Are Made For Working

Do you have lightly worn shoes that you are willing to donate to a good cause? We received a request for some storage space in the hopes that 25 000 pairs of shoes would be collected and distributed to various countries in Africa. The shoes are tied together with an elastic and put into parcels of 25 pairs. That means a minimum of 1 000 parcels of shoes. So where do you put all of these shoes before you can ship them off. Self storage off course.

These Shoes Are Made For Working

Stor-Age Tokai donated some space to These Shoes Are Made For Working for the duration of their project. Their efforts have gone so well that they now require another self storage unit to hold all of the donations. The latest donation from Zoom Footwear of 2 070 pairs of shoes has put the project well on target and is a reason that more storage space is required.

These Shoes Are Made For Working at Stor-Age Tokai
Some of the donated shoes being packed at Stor-Age Tokai - making use of the wide elevators

The cause was also picked up by The Property Pages, which posted an article with more information on this worthy cause. Take a look at page 66 in their online publication to read the full article. For more information and how to get involved please contact Amanda Zar on 083 601 8076 or email

Posted by Stor-Age Self Storage - 23 June 2014 | Charity